Dollface Kittens

Are Your Dollface Kittens not Using the Litter Box? Here’re the Reasons!

As a cat owner, the most frustrating thing is when the kittens evacuate everywhere instead of using the litter box. An accident now and then is acceptable. But, when your dollface kittens start refusing to use the litter box completely, it is a matter of concern. In this case, giving them the punishment will not work. It will make them more frightened. Thus, you need to explore the reasons first!

Cameron Diaz, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and many more also love these kittens and raise them carefully.

Dollface Kittens

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Kittens Stopped Using the Litter Box

If you do not have any clue on how to make your kittens agree to use the litter box again, take a glance at the following points to know the potential reasons behind this problem.

1. Medical problem

Though your kittens appear healthy, there could be an underlying medical problem. And it may cause feline behavioral problems. Before taking any further steps, you should take your kitties for regular veterinary care to examine if they have any medical issues or not. Sometimes, they feel pain while using the litter box. And they start avoiding it.

2. Nasty and smelly litter box

Suppose your toilet room is dirty and smelly. Will you ever like to use it? No, right! Thus, the kittens are not exceptional in this case. So, do not forget to scoop the litter box at least twice a day. It is best to completely clean and washes out the box every month. Also, do not change the litter box often since it makes them feel uncomfortable.

3. Not sufficient boxes

You probably know that kittens make their pen territory, and they do not like to allow anyone else in their dominance. And, this may prevent one kitten from using the litter box located in anyone else’s dominance. Thus, it is best to have the same number of litter boxes as you have dollface kittens. Also, you get a litter box for each floor.

4. Wrong location of the boxes

Sometimes, placing the box in the wrong place is the reason for refusal to use it. Suppose you have put the box in a high-traffic location. And here, they do not get any privacy to do their work peacefully. If the kittens feel insecure about the location of the litter box, they will start displaying other feline behavioral issues. Thus, make sure you understand the psychology of your cute kittens and choose a location accordingly.

5. Often changes

It is another reason that your kittens may stop using the litter box. They do not like changes after getting accustomed to the old manner or old things. If you keep changing the box or shifting the place, they will get irritated and stop using it forever.


Hopefully, now you have understood the potential reasons for this problem. So, if you want your dollface kittens to use the litter box again, obey them according to the solution. To explore more reasons or gain further details, you may read a few more blogs on this subject.

Teach Your White Kittens to Recognise and Respond to Their Name

Imagine you call your kittens by their names, and they are coming excitedly to you with their cute faces. But, this image will never fulfill if you do not teach your white kittens to recognize their names and respond to them. Now, you may wonder how to complete this impossible task. No, it is not impossible. The cat lover celebrities like Taylor Swift, Bella Thorne, Mayim Bialik, and others have made this possible by following some simple tips. If you also want to learn them, stick around this blog till the end.

White Kittens

Tips To Teach Your White Kittens to Know Their Names

No doubt, every kitten is unique. And, some of them are not fast learners. But, if you keep applying the positive reinforcement technique and maintain the calmness in you with your furry pet, you will gain success for sure.

Follow the steps given below!

1. Give them short and simple names

The first step is to choose a simple but catchy name that is easy for your kittens to learn. Make sure that you pick a name with no syllables and no complications because these names are easier to memorize than others. And thus, these names should be preferable.

2. Create a proper training schedule

Whatever you want, you have to make it possible through a proper training schedule. It is best to start from an early age. Thus, the kittens have more time to get accustomed to the new changes. But, it is also essential to incorporate those new additions at the correct time.

3. Take their name a lot in a day!

It is the easiest way to make your white kittens learn their names as soon as possible. You should constantly take their names when giving them your company. You may ask them to come to you by calling their names. Or pronounce their names again and again while playing with them.

4. Use creative but playful techniques

Only finding creative and unique techniques will not work. You have to discover a playful way as well. You may say their name and roll them a paper ball or immediately give them a treat. These events will gradually influence them and help them to recognize that these names are only for them.

5. Give rewards your cats love

Remember, you need to give them something more than verbal praise. You can give them immediate tangible rewards that your kittens love to enjoy. So mark these points and do accordingly for a period. Therefore, you can see the result.

6. Find the right time

Mealtime is the period when kittens become more energetic. You can use this energy by trying this exercise before mealtime because they are often more responsive when they are hungry. This step will work for you.

Hopefully, now you have understood that it is possible to make your white kittens learn their names. So, if you too want to have this beautiful feeling, you must follow the steps mentioned above. To know something more about this, consider reading a few blogs.


Make Yourself Ready Before Owning the Cute Persian Kittens

You probably know that raising kittens is not a cup of tea. Several things come in the path of owning the exotic and high-maintenance Persian kittens. To an extent, these all depend on your lifestyle and home environment and whether you can adapt them to support a happy and healthy cat.

Persian Kittens

The well-known celebrities, including Taylor Swift, Bella Thorne, Mayim Bialik, and many others, suggest researching the kittens and the ways to keep them happy before owning them. So, keep reading this blog to know what to consider before buying them.

Do you have enough time to look after the kittens?

As the kittens will grow up in your home, having kittens is a long-term commitment. And, you probably know that cats need more attention and support than any other pets.

Remember, kittens are cuter but, they require more nurturing, teaching, and regular feeding than adult cats. So, if you want to raise them according to you, you have to give them sufficient time. Thus, it is essential to have enough time for them even though you lead a hectic life.

Do the kittens fit in your routine?

No doubt, the adorable Persian kittens will change your lifestyle positively. However, you may get stuck because of some immovable routine. Thus, it becomes vital to consider how they will work and adapt to the arrival of the new kittens.

Does your home have a safe environment for Persian kittens?

Making a home for your kittens is crucial because it is a vital part of their well-being. After settling into its new space, they discover and explore everything. So, let them explore and get their endurance at their own pace. But do not forget to check if your home is safe for your little cuties.

Besides, make sure that the space you have chosen for them is spacious so that they can retreat. Especially if it is the first time they come home, give them space to gradually get to know their new territory and family over the next few days. To give your kittens a safe place, you must cat-proof your home because it is the best way to keep your kittens away from the potential dangers.

Have you removed all the dangers?

Numerous things can be dangerous for your kittens both inside and outside the home. So, keep scrolling down to know about the potential dangers and find a way to treat them. These dangers include-

  • Unsecured balcony or terrace
  • Exposed hot plates in front of them
  • Naked power cords or electrical wires
  • Easily reachable and harmful chemicals, cleaning products, and medicines
  • The presence of toxic and poisonous plants can make your kittens sick such as Philodendron, Jerusalem Cherry, Dieffenbachia, Holly, Poinsettia, Oleander, Wisteria, and many others.

Hopefully, this blog has made you understand how you can provide your Persian kittens with a healthy and happy life. But, make sure you are ready to adopt them. If you want to know more about them, you may read a few more blogs.

British Long hair cats

Spotting Signs That Your British Long Hair Cats are in Stress

Stress is enough to make an individual crazy and act weird. Cats You adorable British long hair cats are not exceptional. Like humans, anxiety and fear associated with stress affect the cats. In most cases, cats tend to hide and mask their inner turmoil. Sometimes, the worst stress can affect their health. Animal behaviorists say that chronic stress can suppress the immune response. And it causes a broad range of ailments. Here are some spotting signs telling you that your cats are stressed.

If you also want to keep your cats healthy, follow the signs and treat them soon. Many celebs like Taylor Swift, Carlos Pena Vega, and many more advise noticing every suspicious thing without wasting time.

British Long hair cats

Recognizing Stress in Your British Long Hair Cats

Let’s read the spotting signs below to treat the problems as soon as possible. Here you go!

Urinates outside the litter box

The cats start urinating outside the litter box. Do not only focus on the annoying work of cleaning. It can be more than it seems. Do not overlook this issue. It indicates that your cats are not in a normal mood and they need special care.

Suffers from digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation

It is another stinky situation indicating that your cats are suffering from digestive complications such as constipation and diarrhea. Like humans, cats also face physical problems due to mental stress. So, do not consider it as a common issue and take a strict step ASAP.

Requires excessive grooming

Everyone knows that British long hair kittens or cats need regular grooming for their thick and long coat. But, if you notice that they are licking themselves randomly, you have to be careful. It can be another sign of their excessive anxiousness.

Scratches excessively

The veterinarians say that like compulsive licking, excessive scratching is an indication of numerous behavioral and health issues. You have to check this problem and bring them to a reputable vet.

Become aggressive

These breeds of cats are fun-loving and cute. They love to get pampered lying on the lap of their owners. It becomes concerning when they keep themselves isolated and become more aggressive.

In such situations, the cats start vocalizing excessively instead of low ley and cute meowing. Also, they cannot tolerate the presence of other pets. Their temperament becomes worse and worse. You have to handle this situation sincerely.

Common Causes of Stress

Know the most common causes that make you British long hair cats more anxious. Keep scrolling!

  • They involve in too much competition for resources
  • The cats do have not the adequate territory
  • Sudden changes like the addition or removal of pets or people can give them stress
  • Noise events in the home can make them anxious

Hopefully, now you have understood how to recognize that your innocent British long hair cats are under stress. In this situation, find a way to get them out of this situation. Consider reading a few more blogs to learn more about these signs, causes, and treatments.

Create a Beautiful Room that Your Fluffy Kittens Will Love

Building and decorating your cat room can be exciting and overwhelming too. You may want to pick the cute decors that will give your fluffy kittens fun exercise. It will also stimulate their mind so that they do not get bored. You must make your kitten playroom "purrfect" where you can mix practical and stylish accessories for their physical and mental growth. If you are confused about choosing the right ideas for decorating your kitten room, read this blog to get the best ideas.

Fluffy Kittens

Top 6 Practical Ideas to Create a Safe and Creative Kitten Room

Here, you will know the top ideas to make your kitten room more beautiful, efficient, and enjoyable. Thus, you can raise your kittens with proper manners.

1. Set up of the room

After establishing the best place, you have to set up a safe room. If you do not have a separate room for the kittens, use two or three screens to make a private section at the unused corner. Make them feel comfortable there.

2. Cat scratches and trees

Both cats and kittens love the scratching post as they crave scratches. It gives them mental and physical satisfaction. So, make sure that you add a scratching post or scratching tree in their place to allow them to enjoy it.

3. Food, water, and litter box

Do not forget to place food, water, and litter boxes. Using these boxes for their natural needs from a very early age will help your fluffy kittens accustomed to this quickly. The celebs like Taylor Swift, Carlos Pena Vega, Mayim Bialik, and many others own exotic kittens and advise to train the pets from a young age.

4. Interactive and traditional toys

Keep a mix of traditional and interactive toys. The interactive toys stimulate their mind while the traditional toys excite them more. Keep two or three toys at their place and keep shuffling them periodically to break their boredom.

5. Obstacle course

You can create several obstacle courses for your naughty kittens. They will love this session. Through this, you can cheer up their mood, make them healthier, fitter, and more trained, and well-behaved. This course will also increase their mental ability.

6. Cat-safe plants

Plants are beneficial for everyone. But, not all plants are suitable for your little kittens as they tend to chew or lick the leaves of the plants. Thus, have some cat-safe plants to provide a fresh and healthy environment.

What Accessories Do You Need while Setting up a Kitten House?

Shop the following things when you make a kitten home to provide your adorable kitties with enjoyable and safe living. These are-

  • Soft and comfy kitten bed
  • Plenty of toys
  • Scratching post
  • Scoop and litter box
  • Food and water bowls, and so on.

Hopefully, now you know how to make a creative and beautiful place for your fluffy kittens. These tips will help you make an efficient home for them. To get more details, you can also read a few more blogs on this topic.

British Long Hair Cats

Celebrate This Christmas by Bringing British Long Hair Cats Home

Celebrating Christmas only with family, friends, and colleagues is now outdated. Think creative! You can cheer up your home environment by buying our healthy and cute British long hair cats. Their activities and playful attitude will make your heart smile. But, before taking any step, you have to know some facts about this breed to create a happy world for them. So, explore every section to get the necessary knowledge.

Many celebrities including Taylor Swift, Carlos PenaVega, and others own these furry friends to make their life more exciting.


The Key Characteristics of British Long Hair Cats

Have a look at their characteristics to buddy up with them quickly. Here you go!

1. Appearance

Generally, these cats are medium to large with a robust body and muscular appearance. Their healthy body, short neck, round face, and tiny paws make them look more appealing. Long, smooth and silky hair covers their body and gives a mesmerizing touch to their look.

2. Temperament

These cats are independent but loyal, caring, and loving. They are more likely to overwatch you from far than sitting on your lap. They need minimal petting. But you can win their hearts by rubbing their tummy.

3. Personality

The cats from this breed are very calm and peaceful. They love playing more than being held. They are ideal choices if you have other pets or kids in your home. They love to make friends and show affection towards their humans.

How to Take Care of Them?

Let's know how to take care of them after buying them from us. Follow the points to hold the beauty of the British long hair cats and keep them healthy.

1. Check-ups

These cats need regular check-ups for their well-being. Their long hair hides any problem and infection. But through regular check-ups, you can identify the issues and treat them at the first stage. It is beneficial for their health.

2. Grooming

Long hair cats need special grooming to maintain their long and silky fur. You have to brush their hair regularly to avoid any tangle in it. Therefore, you can hold the softness of their hair.

3. Vaccinations

Do not forget to get your cats vaccinated timely. If you are not well aware of the vaccination period, consult with our professionals to get thorough info. Also, you can ask your Google to get an answer.

4. Training

Train your cats to improve their ability and stop them from gaining weight. It is also essential to make your cats disciplined and well-behaved. So, you can learn the correct process of training your cats from online sites.

Create a Beautiful Cat Room by Following the Tips

Read the following points to know how to create a beautiful cat room for your pets.

  • Select a perfect room, first
  • Add a mix of traditional and interactive toys
  • Place cat scratches and trees for their scratching needs
  • Make creative climbing stations
  • Grow some suitable plants

Hopefully, now you are prepared to bring our healthy and adorable British long hair cats. Read a few more blogs to get more knowledge on this subject.

Tabby Persians : Know about raising Your First Cats

No doubt, it is a monumental decision when you decide to adopt your first cat. Especially when it comes to raising the exotic tabby Persian cats, you have to be more careful. And in this regard, this blog will come in handy. So, be a better pet parent by knowing the correct raising process.

Tabby Persians

What Do You Need to Know About Raising Your First Tabby Persians?

This blog has been designed to provide you with sufficient knowledge on buying and raising your first cats. Here you go!

1. Make your cat a member of your family

After buying your cats, you have to bring the cats home with a positive approach. In most cases, the cats take time to get accustomed to a new place. Here, you have to help them to feel more comfortable. Hence, they do not get low to keep them happy and healthy.

2. Make a safe room for your new member

A safe room does not refer to a separate room. It can be an empty closet, a corner of your bedroom with a protective screen, or a seldom-used bathroom. The essential thing is to create a particular place for them which they can call ‘home’.

3. Create a cat-proof home

Cat-proofing your home is essential before the homecoming day arrives. It is not rocket science. You may have to give it some time. Think like your cat and have the necessary precautions where the potential danger is waiting for your cuties.

4. Consider its first veterinary visit

After bringing your tabby Persians, you have to consider taking them to their first veterinary visit. This check-up will help you recognize the probable health risks of your cats. Besides, it is also beneficial for their well-being.

5. Pay heed to the cat’s diet

Do not forget about their diet. You must make them follow a healthy diet. It will keep them away from gaining overweight or getting any other obesity-related disease. In this regard, you may also get advice from your veterinarian to know about the correct diet for your tabby Persians.

If you want to light up your home environment, consider adding the cute and loveable tabby Persians to your life. Hopefully, this blog has taught you the right way to raise your cuties. Our healthy and cute cats and kittens will make your heart smile for sure. To know more, read a few more blogs.


Persian Cats

How to Keep Your Adorable Persian Cats in Good Health?

When you are willing to own a Persian cat, you have to take special care of their health. Their stunning appearance will mesmerize you. But, to hold the grace, you have to consider doing several things. However, if you are not well aware of the facts that keep your cats healthy, you must read this blog.

Tips to Take Care of Your Persians to Make Them Healthy

In this blog, you will come to know what you have to consider while you care for your cats to keep them away from any infection and disease. But, the precaution list starts with buying adorable Persian cats with green eyes from a reputable cattery. Let’s explore what is next!

1. Grooming

Get your cat used to being gently groomed from an early age. It will help them to get accustomed to this procedure and not create any chaos. Especially when your cats have long hair, it becomes essential to groom them regularly to maintain their coats.

2. Vaccinations

At particular ages, your cats or kittens need to get vaccinated. These vaccinations give them proper immunity to fight against the potential disease and flues. And thus, after the vaccinations, the chance of any illness gets reduced.

3. Worming

You must treat your cats for roundworms at four to six weeks of age. And then, make it count after every two to three weeks. Continue this until they are four months old. You may also use a wormer and learn the correct instructions from the vet to use.

4. Fleas

You probably know that prevention is better than cure. And it is applicable when fleas are the subject of concern. Thus, you have to use a product that will break the flea life cycle to prevent re-infestation.

5. Ear Mites

Most of the cats have ear mites. People say that there is no such symptom of this condition. But often, a grey-brown matter oozes out from the ear. Though it is not painful, it may be passed to other cats and dogs.

6. Neutering

You must spay a female cat to prevent unwanted litter and when there is no need for the cat to have had a litter beforehand. Neutering male cats makes them more calm and steady.

Hopefully, you have understood how you will take care of your doll-faced Persians to keep them happy and healthy. To get more details on them, you may consider reading a few more blogs.


How to Take Proper Care of Your Little Tabby Persians with Green Eyes?

The breed of these Persian cats is blessed with an exotic and wild look. Maybe it is the reason for their other name- ‘Jungle Babies’. Their flat, snub-nosed faces and thick, double coats make the tabby Persians with green eyes more attractive.

However, you need to put a little more effort into their maintenance. So, keep learning!

Tabby persians green eyes

Tips to Take Care of Your Tabby Persians

Here, you will get a thorough guide to take care of your little cuties. So, explore every layer of the following points!

Coat maintenance

Because of having a long, silky double-coat, their fur gets matted and tangled easily if not brushed daily. Also, a regular combing will not work for tabby Persians. You need to pick a wide-toothed comb to detangle all areas including behind the ears.

Nail trimming

Like all other cats, tabby Persians will need their nails trimmed. You probably know that the nails of the front claws grow faster than the nails of the back claw. Thus, You should deal with the front claw every couple of weeks.

Eye cleaning

The experts say, “Most Persian cats have weepy eyes." And thus, if you do not notice their eyes, their eyes can get stained. Sometimes, it may lead to eye infections and other diseases. To prevent this situation, you should gently wipe their eyes twice daily and use a special eye cleaning solution.

Ear cleaning

Tabby Persians with green eyes have smaller and fuzzier ears than other breeds. Thus, it is hard to recognize ear infections, and it remains untreated. It is essential to clean their ears during the grooming sessions. Or, you can bring them to a reliable veterinarian for a regular and thorough check-up.

Dental care

Brushing the teeth of your adorable cats will prevent tartar buildup and dental disease. You can also go to a veterinarian to give your pets special dental treatment.

Healthy food

You should always give diet food to your pets. It will help to keep their digestive system healthy. Also, the consumption of well-balanced and low-fat food will boost up the immunity of their body. In this situation, you may ask for help from your veterinarian.

Contact the Best Cattery

Having the exotic tabby Persians with green eyes is lucky. So, do not waste time and contact a reputable pet store where you can find a variety of stunning and well-maintained cats and kittens. To gain more details on them, keep reading a few more blogs.

Golden dollface Persian kittens

Top 5 Secrets about Golden Dollface Persian Kittens No-one Tells!

No doubt, kittens are one of the most adorable pets you will ever have. If you want to add something charming to your house, consider purchasing golden dollface Persian kittens. Their heartwarming nature will enhance the mood of your entire house.

But do you know the secrets of these kittens? If not, now you have an opportunity to explore them.

Golden dollface Persian kittens

What to Know about Dollface Persian Cats?

In this article, you will come to know the exciting facts about these kittens and how you can take care of them properly. So, let’s start!

1. History of this breed

The Persian cat is one of the oldest breeds that has come into existence from the 1600s. The experts believe that they came from Mesopotamia, later called Persia. It is now modern-day Iran. They also said, “we think that they were smuggled out of Persia by European explorers in the 17th century.”

2. Appearance

Generally, the golden dollface Persian kittens look like the traditional Persian cats with a small rounded head and short nose. Because of their sweet expressions, they have got the name “doll face”. They are medium-sized and weigh between 7 to 12 pounds. They have a short and stocky body and are 10 to 15 inches tall.

3. Eye color

The golden kittens can have different colors of eyes. But occasionally, one blue and one copper eye. And, this rare combination of colors makes them more attractive and adorable. Anyways, other solid colors include-

  • Red
  • Black
  • Chocolate
  • Cream
  • Lilac

But, if you have any specific requirements about their eyes, you can buy such cats that have those eyes.

4. Temperament

The Persian kittens are beautiful, But also their nature is very alluring. When you have exotic kittens at your home, you can easily amaze your guests with your kittens’ charm. They are very friendly and sociable. They love to be with people. So, when you own one of them, make sure they do not lack love and care.

5. Lifespan

Purebred Persian cats do not live long. Whereas the crossbreds tend to live more than the purebred. In the case of Persian kittens, 12.5 years is the average lifespan.

Hopefully, this blog has made you aware of the secrets of golden doll face Persian cats. But, do not forget to go to a reliable cat store to buy them. If you want to know more details about them, consider reading a few more blogs.